Consultation Fees and Conditions.
The Neurology Practice is made up of a team of Consultant Neurologists who work at Hospitals in Windsor, Berkshire and in Central London. It should be noted that fees charged by a Consultant for a consultation are more in London Hospitals than at the Hospital in Windsor. The initial and follow up consultation fees are payable directly to the Consultant and investigations such as MRI, blood tests, scans and inpatient stays are charged by the Hospital where any treatment takes place.
Patients are usually required to be referred by their GP or another specialist to us and should be made aware at this stage that their are fees payable both to the Consultant and the Hospital should there need to be tests carried out as part of the consultation. In most cases patients will have private health insurance to cover both the Consultants fees and the Hospital charges, but the level of cover should be checked before any treatment takes place. If there are costs payable in excess of the cover provided by the Insurance policy then these costs will be the responsibility of the patient.
Patients who are not resident in the UK and are visiting from abroad will in most cases be required to pay a deposit or the full consultation fee before being seen by the Consultant, and the Hospital concerned will also take a charge, normally from a valid credit card before a consultation, outpatient or inpatient treatment can take place.
In case of any possible concerns or problems regarding the level of cover offered by their policy the patient should contact their insurance company directly, as costs for both the Consultant consultation and any fees incurred for Hospital tests are quite high and patients should be aware of this before embarking on private medical care.
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